
Not that I'm counting...

I have officially been employed as a postdoc for 39 days. Tomorrow, on day 40, I will finally receive my first paycheck. 
My last grad student paycheck came right as I started the new position so it easily could have been a longer period of time between paychecks. My grad department was one that always supported me during the summer and so I haven't had this sort of drought for a long time. It might have been easier had I known it was coming (I wouldn't have spent a ton of money at Ikea the weekend before I started if I knew it was going to be so long), but I doubt it is ever easy. 

In celebration, I am going to pay my utilities! And part of the credit card I've been living off of! 


Anonymous said...

I hope it is evenything your expect......and more!


Seeking Solace said...

Yay for getting paid. Hope it continues to go well.

Wayfarer Scientista said...

Congrads! I completley know the feeling - just went through it myself.

Albatross said...

Thanks! It was less than expected, but any paycheck is better than no paycheck.