
Odds and ends

Since I am still transitioning into my new position, I am still transitioning out of my old lab. In order to really do this, I need to finish up some things and get them off my desk. In particular order...
  • Final touches/Letter to Editor/Submit very old, small manuscript
  • Format/Submit MS 1 from dissertation
  • Final edits/Format/Submit MS 2 from dissertation
It would be nice if these were all finished by the time I return to the lab next week. The tasks themselves are small but they seem big in the greater sense of things. 
2008 ended up being a good year for getting papers accepted and these are the next round. This will be the first submission for each of these projects which almost certainly means rejections, lots of revisions, resubmissions, the whole cycle. I know it is good to have data and be getting it out and all but when working on these, part of me can't help but think 'Geez, here we go again...'


Unbalanced Reaction said...

Wow, what a productive start to the year! Congrats on all the upcoming pubs!

Psych Post Doc said...

I am so with you. I just got a rejection (after 6 months under review!) from the same journal I'm about to send my dissertation manuscript to. Oy.

I hope 2009 is as good to you as 2008 was.

Albatross said...

Unbalanced- Thanks, but 'upcoming' is very relative. I have one paper that is currently in press but was submitted for the first time in 2006. It was rejected at least 3 times...

PPD- Good luck with your submission. It is very odd to submit things now with a little more experience. It takes some fortitude to go through with it once you start to have an idea of what you really might be in for.

ScienceGirl said...

Looks like you have the persistence needed to get things out - good luck and lets hope at least some of the "cycles" are short!

Albatross said...

Thanks ScienceGirl! I was able to get one out the door today so, fingers crossed!