
Working from home- all day long!

Trying to work from home, be it writing or dealing with dots, is a dangerous game. Sometimes everything falls into place and you write 5 pages and sometimes you end up falling asleep on the couch with a cat on your head. So, in the spirit of what I've really been up to. Today I am live blogging my working from home. 
The goal: I need to catch up on my dots. After writing and going into school yesterday, I feel behind and want to catch up. The most I've ever accomplished in one day is 7 samples. Trying to beat that today. 
The setting: My living room. The couch is big, red, and comfy. A laptop stand makes it easy to type/do data stuff for long periods of time. I used to work at the dining room table and my desk but chairs in those places hurt my back after about 3 hours. There are two cats running around and 1 dog laying on his own couch upstairs. The most distracting/annoying aspect of working here is the buzzing of heaters/filters for the 6 aquaria in this room. 

But it is already almost 10 am! Why am I not working yet? Well, I had a filling fall out and had to get it fixed this morning despite my dentist phobia. The dentist was nice enough but the experience of having to go in the first place was still a bit traumatic. Then I stopped to get coffee and either there was a fender-bender and run in the parking lot OR somebody tried to steal a woman's car while she was inside. She asked me to call 911 for her, but I'm still not exactly sure what happened. Never a dull moment. 
Time to get to work though!
9:30-10am: check emails, blog.
10:15: Starting first sample.
10:43: Grackle comes home unexpectedly to get a pipe cutter that he needs at school. He comes in the front door (which he rarely does) and scares the crap out of me. I thought we were being broken into. AND I had to redo part of the sample because he distracted me.  
11:15: Starting second sample.
12:00pm: My face is still numb and I wish I had some Doritos. The Buffalo and Blue Cheese ones with the two kinds of chips in one bag....mmmmmmm....
2:30: Just finished up the 4th sample and prepping for a meeting later this afternoon. Lunch time!! This brings me to the best aspect of working from home. It makes me healthier. Instead of picking up a quick sandwich somewhere or worse- forgoing food altogether until I fill up on cookies at the seminar- I am enjoying some beans and rice. Plus when I need a little break, I can stretch with some yoga or run the dog around the backyard instead of walking down the hall to the desk with the candy. 
3:30: Meeting canceled. Woo hoo! Doing laundry instead.
5:30: Reached my usual number of 6 samples. 
5:45: Going running and will tie my record of 7 samples afterwards!


Eugenie said...

6 tanks? wow! what do you have in them?

I drove my roommate nuts last year in our dorm with 3 tanks.... this year I only have one (I wish I could have all four of my tanks in my apartment, but I think my landlord might go crazy)

ScienceGirl said...

Sounds like you were successful in buckling down and doing what you set out to do for the day - great job! I too find that it is easy to get distracted at home, napping and doing other things, but when I really need to concentrate on getting something done, home is where it is going to get done.

P.S. I love your descriptions of dot projects!

Unbalanced Reaction said...

Wow, I wish I could keep a houseplant alive, let alone multiple pets! I *never* get stuff done at home, but I think I can blame my neighbors for that!!

Albatross said...

Eugenie and Unbalanced- most of our pets are only alive because of the Grackle. He is amazing with animals. I will have to do a 'meet the pets' post soon!

Sciencegirl- Thanks! I bet, on some level, you do something with dots too!